Exam questions 27th of April

1A) The term ABC1 is the higher level of social grade given by pamco. This is for people who are wealthy and have a high paying job.

1B) Take a break magazine could advertise affordable women's beauty products as the majority of its audience is female aged 15-44. However, the social grade of most readers is C2DE so the advertised products need to be cheaper and affordable for them people. The daily Mail could advertise cars as most people have a high social grade and there is a mix of genders reading.

2A1) The acronym 'BARB' stands for broadcasters audience research board.

2AII) BARB researches the viewing figures of TV programmes across different channels.

2B) The most popular genre of programme for BBC1 is soap operas.

BBC is a public service broadcasters (PSB) company, they're not a company fro profit.

2C) Advertise the less popular TV programmes to try and get the viewership up.

3) BBC1 would have a higher female, high social grade and older audience as they're a lot of soap operas that are shown.

4A) Public service ownership is where companies don't show commercial adverts as they're a non profit company meaning they get their funding from TV license. An example of this would be the BBC.     All content is for the benefit of the audience. Educate, inform and entertain.

4B) Conglomerate companies have subsidiaries to promote and advertise the products that they create This means they can use synergy and cross marketing to 


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